Continous Delivery with Docker on AWS

##Summary Over the past few years, the dream of Continuous Delivery (CD) is easier to achieve due to the rapid advancement of DevOps automation tools. I’ve achieved various levels of continuous delivery in the past in a variety of environments using tools such as Chef but there has always been some brittleness and the process required maintenance and never felt ideal.

Publishing MongoDB Metrics to CloudWatch in Amazon AWS

##Summary Amazon CloudWatch is a useful tool for monitoring your compute resources, services, and applications running in AWS. Amazon automatically publishes metrics for you when you use many different AWS Services.

A Survey of Big Data Streaming Engines

##Summary This article is intended to provide a brief survey of Big Data “Streaming” Technologies that are currently on the market for the purpose of informing and assisting customers in selecting the best streaming product for your problem. As this is a fairly large rapidly evolving space and what encompasses a “Streaming” product is somewhat subjective, the article does not intend to be all inclusive of every product available on the market. However, it should contain most of the major players within the Open Source space.